sudarshana chakra

Sudarshana Chakra - Wikipedia   



 Sudarshana Chakra (Sanskrit:सुदर्शन चक्र, lit. "disc of auspicious vision", IAST: sudarśana chakra) is a spinning, celestial discus with 108 serrated edges, attributed to Vishnu and Krishna in the Hindu scriptures. The Sudarshana Chakra is generally portrayed on the right rear hand of the four hands of Vishnu, who also holds a shankha (conch shell), a gada (mace), and a padma (lotus).[1]

While in the Rigveda, the Chakra was Vishnu's symbol as the wheel of time and by the late period, the Sudarshana Chakra emerged as an ayudhapurusha (an anthropomorphic form), as a fierce form of Vishnu, used for the destruction of demons. As an ayudhapurusha, the deity is known as Chakraperumal or Chakratalvar.

The word Sudarshana is derived from two Sanskrit words – Su(सु) meaning "good/auspicious" and Darshana (दर्शन) meaning "vision". In the Monier-Williams dictionary the word Chakra is derived from the root क्रम् (kram) or ऋत् (rt) or क्रि (kri) and refers among many meanings, to the wheel of a carriage, wheel of the sun's chariot or metaphorically to the wheel of time.  In Tamil, the Sudarshana Chakra is also known as Chakratalvar (Disc of God).
Sudarshana Chakra - The Divine Weapon of Lord Vishnu – Hinduism Facts

    The Chakra finds mention in the Rigveda as a symbol of Vishnu, and as the wheel of time,[4] and in the Itihasas and Puranas. In the Mahabharatha, Krishna, identified with Vishnu, uses it as a weapon. For example, he beheads Shishupala with the Sudarshana Chakra at the Rajasuya yagna of Emperor Yudhishthira. He also uses it during the 14th day of the Mahabharata War to perplex Duryodhana by summoning Jayadratha in front of Arjuna by hiding the Sun with his chakra. In the end, the Kauravas get fooled and thus Arjuna avenges the death of his son.
    According to the Valmiki Ramayana, Purushottama (Vishnu) killed a Danava named Hayagriva on top of a mountain named Chakravana constructed by Vishvakarma and took away a Chakra i.e. the Sudarshana Chakra from him.
    In the Puranas, the Sudarshana Chakra was made by the architect of gods, Vishvakarma. Vishvakarma's daughter Sanjana was married to Surya. Due to the Sun's blazing light and heat, she could not go near the Sun. She complained to her father about this. Vishvakarma made the sun shine less so that his daughter could hug the Sun. The leftover stardust was collected by Vishvakarma and made into three divine objects, (1) the aerial vehicle Pushpaka Vimana, (2) Trishula of Shiva, (3) Sudarshana Chakra of Vishnu. The Chakra is described to have 10 million spikes in two rows moving in opposite directions to give it a serrated edge.
    Sudarshana Chakra was used to cut the corpse of Sati, the consort of Shiva into 51 pieces after she gave up her life by throwing herself in a yagna (fire sacrifice) of her father Daksha. Shiva, in grief, carried around her lifeless body and was inconsolable. The 51 parts of the goddess' body were then tossed about in different parts of the Indian subcontinent and became "Shakti Peethas".
    In the Mahabharata, Jayadratha is responsible for the death of Arjuna's son, Arjuna vowing to avenge him by killing Jayadratha the very next day before sunset. However Drona creates a combination of three layers of troops, which act as a protective shield around Jayadratha. So Krishna creates an artificial sunset using his Sudarshana Chakra. Seeing this Jayadratha comes out of the protection to celebrate Arjuna's defeat. At that very moment, Krishna withdraws his Chakra to reveal the sun. Krishna then commands Arjuna to kill him and Arjuna follows his orders, beheading Jayadratha.
    In the Mahabharata, Shisupala was beheaded by Krishna after he invoked the Chakra.
    There are several Puranic stories associated with the Sudarshana Chakra, such as that of Vishnu granting King Ambarisha the boon of Sudarshana Chakra in form of prosperity, peace, and security to his kingdom.
    The Sudarshana Chakra was also used to behead Rahu and cut the celestial Mandara mountain during the Samudra Manthana.



Benefits of Sudarshana Mantra : -

The shloka has immense powers to rid you all of the curses or doshas and freedom from evil thoughts or spirits. All the evil influences that block good things from happening will be decimated by chanting of the Sudarshana Mantra. This is also good for pregnant women who only need to think of Lord Sudarshana. 

Please note that the 108 worded sudarshana shloka is not to be chanted as there are certain rituals to be followed. However, the simple shlokas given below can be chanted daily.

Please remember : the Sudarshana Mantra will ensure the triumph of good over evil.

Procedure to Chant the – Sudarshana Chakra Mantra For Victory and Protection

1.Start the Sudarshan chakra mantra at night time

2.Start the chanting or japa by facing the true North.

3.Light a pure ghee lamp diya ( clarified butter lamp ) and sage sticks in front of the Lord.

4. It is best to wear yellow clothes for this Sudarshan chakra mantra.

5, Do a japa of up to eleven rosaries ie. 108 x 11 times.

6. Chanting the Sudarshana chakra mantra for one night is enough.

7. Japa counting can be done with your fingers.

8. If you wish to do fasting before the Janmastami day – you can do that and still chant the mantra.

9. Then do a japa of this Sudarshana mantra for twenty one times before starting any new project or career to get success and victory.