vishnu mantras



Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 

  ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय) is one of the most popular Hindu mantras, and the most important mantra in Vaishnavism. It is called the Dwadasakshari Mantra or simply Dwadasakshari, meaning the "twelve-syllable" mantra dedicated to Vishnu as Lord Krishna.[1][2] It has two traditions—Tantric and Puranic. In the Tantric Tradition, the Rishi of the Mantra is Prajapati; in the Puranic Tradition the Rishi is Narada. Both, however, say it is the Supreme Vishnu Mantra.

Sharada Tilak Tantram says:

    "Dvadasharno mahamantrah pradhano Vaishnavagame"— The twelve lettered mantra is the chief among vaishnava mantras.

Similarly, this is the ultimate mantra in Shrimad Bhagavatam. This twelve syllable mantra[3] is known as a Mukti (liberation) mantra and a spiritual formula for attaining freedom.[4] The mantra can also be found in the Vishnu Purana. 


 Vishnu Moola Mantra

Om Namoh Narayanaya


Vishnu Bhagawate Vasudevaya Mantra

Om Namoh Bhagawate Vasudevaya

  Vishnu Gayatri Mantra

Om Shri Vishnave Cha Vidmahe Vasudevaya Dhimahi

 Tanno Vishnuh Prachodayat


  Vishnu Shantakaram Mantra

Shantakaram Bhujagashayanam Padmanabham Suresham
Vishvadharam Gaganasadrisham Meghavarnam Shubhangam।
Lakshmikantam Kamalanayanam Yogibhirdhyanagamyam
Vande Vishnum Bhavabhayaharam Sarvalokaikanatham॥

  Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnu Mantra

Mangalam Bhagwan Vishnuh, Mangalam Garunadhwajah।
Mangalam Pundari Kakshah, Mangalaya Tano Harih॥


Keep a picture of Lord Vishnu in front of you and start chanting the mantra focusing on the divine form of the Lord. The ideal count to chant the Vishnu mantra is multiples of 108. Use a Tulsi bead rosary to keep the count while chanting.